Summer Vegan Recipe With A Cooling Effect On Your Body

Summer Vegan Recipe Which Gives Your Body A Cooling Effect

mango Chunks with Corn Salsa

2 cups fresh, in season tomatoes, diced
1/2 cup red onion, diced
1/2 cup fresh mano,peeled and diced
1/2 cup fresh or frozen corn
1/4 cup cilantro ,roughly chopped
1 jalapeno pepper, diced(or oless ofr milder spice)
1 large or 2 small garlic cloves , finely minced
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp fresh ground black pepper
juicefrom 1 small lime

Method Of preparation

if using fresh corn on the cob, prepare corn by grilling, boiling or steaming, then cut corm kernels off cob once cooled
Chop all other fresh ingredients
Add all ingredients into a large bowl , mixing to combine
enjoy immediately with organic corn chips or crackers as a side dish , or as a topping on your favorit mexican style dish.

Roasted Carrots with Lemon tahini

For the roasted carrots
12 large carrots
1 tbsp melted coconut oil
12 tsp fresh ground black pepper
1/2 tsp sea salt
dash ground cinnamon and curry powder

For the Lemon tahini
2 tbsp tahini
2 tbsp warm water
1 tbsp pure maple syrup
1 tbsp nutriotnal yeast
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp fresh ground black pepper or red pepper flakes
juice from one small lemon

Methods of Preparation

Preheat overn to 375 degrees
Line baking sheet wuth parchement paper or silicon baking mat
Lay carrots obto baking sheet and drizzle melted coconut oil over the top, then rub into the carrots to ensure even distribution
Sprinkle black pepper , salt, cinnamon and curry powder over the top

bake for 45 minutes or until tender
While the carrots are roasting, finish by drizzling the lemon tahini over the top before serving.

Vegan Meal To Lose Your Weight Naturally

Veganism is the practice of abstaining from the use of animal products,particularly in diet.A folower of veganism is known as a vegan.A vegan is someone who for various reasons, chooses to avoid using or consuming animal products.while vegatariens choose not to use flesh foods, vegans also avoid dairy and eggs, as well as fur , leather,wool, down andcosmetics or chemical products tested on animals.
veganism is the idea of not consuming or using animal products in anyway.a large part of being a vegan is not eating meat or products such as egg and milk that are derived from animals.However, veganism also extends to the cosmetic and fashion industry as many animals are used in the making of silk, wool , leather, duck or goose feathers and soap(made from animal fat)

There are also many animals products that are used in the making of products such as albumen, beeswax, blood,bone china, carmine,casein, gelatin,keratin,lactic acid, lard and yellow grease.Some people have argued that it is not possible to be entirely vegan as the use of animal products is deeply woven into the fabric of human society.These are just simple overview about vegan and veganism. My main aim is to show you some healthy yet delicious vegan recipe for your weight loss regime.
In this article I am sharing you one amazing vegan meal including breakfast, snacks, lunch and dinner which you can follow for healthy weight loss naturally.


With the one meal at a time approach to vegan living, you wil first begin eating a vegan will get rid of all animal products including dairy and eggs, at this one meal. Do this for two weeks.

A vegan lunch

You may have fruit or a snack mix to quite midday hunger.

after you have mastered the vegan breakfast and you have become accustomed to reading labels and planning your first meal of the day, you can tackle the vegan lunch.


Dinner is traditionally a meat heavy meal.You can approach this final meal of the day in one of two days.You can tackle it just like you did breakfast and lunch. you can begin planning , preparing and eating vegan dinners and become completely vegan atthis point.

so follow this and I am sure you will thank me for giving your diet plan for your slim and healthy body.

Yummy Vegan recipe Made From Rice and Steamed Vegetables

1 cup long grain white rice
2 1/2 cup water
2carrots (coarsely grated )
3 onion(chopped)
1/2 red bell pepper (cut into strips)
1/2 green bell pepper 9cut into strips)
1/2 cup fresh dill(chopped)
2 tablespoon tomato sauce
1/2 tablesspoon salt(more to taste)
5 tablespoon vegetable oil.


Pour 2 cups of water into a saucepan, add rice.
Bring rice to a boil over medium high heat
add salt.Redcue heat to low, cover, and cook until rice is tender, about 15 minutes
fry the onion into vegetable oil until golden.
add carrot and bell pepper.
Pour the remaining water, season with salt and stir.simmer about 15 minutes under the lid closed.Add tomato sauce and dill and simmer for 5 minutes.
serve rice under the vegetables
Garnish with fresh parsley if desired.

Healthy Vegan Sushi Rolls

The advantage of brown rice sushi is that the fibre provides a feeling of fullness while still being light on the stomach.The seawood nori is an excellent source of this as part of ameal or as a stand alone anack. It is delicious!


2 nori sheets
1/4 cup brown rice to yield 1 cup cooked brown rice, aoaked for 2 hours, drained , washed
1 tsp rice vinegar
1/4 tsp raisin paste
1/2 avocado , cut into thin strips
1/2 cucumber, cut into thin strips
1 tomato sliced
1/2 yellow capsicum or carrot, cut into thin strio
3 tbsp cashew mayonnaise
salt to taste
1 tbsp toasted sesame seeds
1 tsp wasabi paste
1/2 cup soy saouce
a few pieces japanese pickled ginger


Add 3 times the amount of water and 1 tsp salt to the rice and bring to the boil, on medium heat for 15-20 minutes till all the water is absorbed.
Stir vigorously 3-4 times to make the rice not mash completely.It should ne partly broken.Allow the rice to cool.
Mix the vinegar and raisin paste into the rice making sure the rice is sticky and not a pulp.
On a sushi rolling mat, lay out the nori sheet.Spread a thin layer of rice on it evenly with your fingers makig sure you leave 1 cm of nori sheet free for sealing.
Place the strips of vegetables on the rice and spoon the cashew mayonnaise over the vegetables.
Once the roll is formed, sprinkle toasted sesame seeds over the entire roll.
Use a clean sharp serrated knife to cut into 1 cylinders.Keep cleaning the knife as you cut the slices in order to keep the stricky rice away from touching the nori of the next slice.
Serve with wasabi , soy sauce and japanese ginger.

Beetroot Layer with walnut cream in apple cider sauce

This is the magic of californian italian pasta made with a vegeatble and no oil. Looks amazing and tastes light and nutty.

2 large beetroots
1/2 cup cashew herb cheese
1/2 cup walnuts roughly chopped

For Dressing
4 tbsp apple cider vinegar
2 tbsp apple juice
1 tsp greens of spring onions, chopped
1 tsp walnuts crushed
salt to taste


Pressure cook the beetroots for 10-15 minutes or till whilestles until it is coooked but firm.set asis to cool.
cut the beetrrots into thin slices with a sharp knife.
place half of the beetroot slices on aplate.
combine the cashew cheese at the centre of ech beetroot slice
drop some of this herb cheese at the centre of each beetroot slice.
cover the cheese wth another slice of beetroot pressing the slides lightly.
for the dressing-mix together al the ingredients mentioned.Store in the fridge until ready to serve.
Just before serving arrange the foo neatly on a plate and drizzle with the dressing.This has to be done immediately before serving or the beetroot will bleed too much colour.

Sunset With Pina Colada

A refreshing and filling drink that reminds us of the beautiful sunsets by the sea shore.


1 glass thin coocnut milk, fresh
1 glass sweet pineapple fresh, chunks
Ice cubes
2-3 tbsp raisin passte
2-3 fresh cherries for garnishing


Blend together the pineapple chunks with the fresh coconut milk
If not sweet enough, add some raisin paste and blend again
Add ice to chill and blend again
Serve garnished with cherries
Drink immediately and do not store this drink.

Jan Brando is a fitness enthusiast, who has been helping people achieve their health and fitness goals for over 10 years. She believes that eating well is not only good for your body, but also for your mind and soul. She is passionate about sharing her knowledge and experience with others through her articles, podcasts, and online courses. She covers topics such as weight loss, diabetes, heart health, gut health, immunity, and more. She also provides practical tips and recipes that are easy to follow and delicious to eat. Whether you are looking for a simple way to improve your health, or a complete lifestyle transformation, Jen can guide you on your journey to wellness.

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